Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Education Activist Network teach-in posted by Richard Seymour
I'll be speaking at this tomorrow:Education Activist Network - Teach-in for the resistance
On Wednesday 16 March 4-8pm, the EAN will have a teach- in at King’s College London and London School of Economics.
After the increase in tuition fees and abolition of EMA, a mass demonstration on 26 March could reinvigorate the fight for education – as could a lecturers’ strike, and protests and student action on Budget Day. But our movement also faces new challenges.
Universities have accepted blood money from dictators and invested heavily in the arms trade. Multiculturalism is under attack by those who would divide and undermine our movement, and students have been the target of horse charges, dawn raids, pepper spray and kettling for daring to protest for education.
Join students, education workers, academics, journalists and campaigners to debate the challenges facing our movement and the strategies to overcome them.
4pm – The fight for Education – Learning from Wisconsin – LSE SU Underground
Live video link-up with student and teacher from Wisconsin. Doors open 3:30pm
5pm Workshops
■Defending the Right to Protest (KCL)
Hosted by Stop Kettling Our Kids and Defend the Right to Protest – includes Alfie Meadows, arrested student Bryan Simpson, campaigning lawyer Matt Foot and Emma Norton from Liberty
■The role of social media in the movement (KCL)
Panel debate with Laurie Penny (journalist), Richard Seymour (blogger) and Aaron Peters (UK Uncut)
■Defending Multiculturalism (KCL)
Don’t let David Cameron divide us! With Liz Fekete, Institute for Race Relations and Martin Smith, Love Music Hate Racism
■Sleaze, Spooks and Saif Gaddafi: Can we make our universities ethical? (LSE SU Underground)
With LSE occupier Lukas Slothuus, journalist Simon Basketter and Hesham Zakai from KCL Action Palestine
6:30pm Rally – KCL Lucas Theatre
March 26th – Building for our Day of Anger
■Billy Hayes CWU General Secretary
■Fightback author Guy Aitchinson
■Egyptian revolution eyewitness Wassim Wagdy
■Lois Clifton LSESU Environment & Ethics officer-elect
■Jim Wolfreys King’s College London UCU
■Krishna Sivakumaran, UCL student, Day X for the NHS
■Mark Bergfeld NUS NEC.
Labels: capitalism, cuts, education, events, neoliberalism, public spending, social media, socialism, socialism 2.0, the complete and utter works of richard seymour, tories