Monday, June 19, 2006
Separated at birth. posted by Richard Seymour
Having only now received yet another of these e-mails purporting to be from a senior Labour personality, ominously entitled 'You and the Law', I found myself staring disaster in the face. Compare and contrast:Blair
I have a suspicion that some of you might not have gone all the way with me on that little voyage. Some brows may even now be furrowing in anger and disgust, some bottoms clenching in horror, some lips trembling with a sense of having been used and tossed aside like a recently filled Kleenex. But look you at those snaggle-toothed grins, the one eye opened more than the other, the slightly raised eyebrow, the empty glint in the pupil, the puff of rusty hair... they are operational equivalents. Do you suppose they were made in the same factory?