Friday, January 25, 2013
Necrophilia in the review section. posted by Richard Seymour
A review of Unhitched in the Independent taxes your esteemed author in the following way:
"One can only recoil in disgust from someone who first accuses his subject of always seeking to make his enemies appear "unprincipled... mediocre and physically repulsive mountebanks", and who then, smirking, writes "in fairness, Hitchens might have struggled if those standards were applied to him ... It is no surprise that its author delayed his malediction until his victim was safely out of earshot. ... He ignores the prodigious prodigality of Hitchens's writing ... Nor is any mention made by our prosecutor of Hitchens's courage and daring, his devotion to professional duty as well as his crazy adventurousness. ... Its subject was as eloquent, cultivated, exuberant, unstoppable, sheerly gigantic a journalist as British or American politics has known since George Orwell or Walter Lippmann."
Well, as Hitchens once said (plagiarising someone else, I think), anyone who can suck like that need never dine alone.
Thank god for Hitchens's sycophants.