Wednesday, December 19, 2012
UAF statement on Greek antifascist action posted by Richard Seymour
Recently, Golden Dawn members engaged in yet another assault on a left politician, this time a SYRIZA member. Yesterday, Athens city council voted to support the 19th February day of action. This statement from Unite Against Fascism is being circulated, in the hope of raising awareness about and support for the stand of Greek antifascists against the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn. Visit the UAF website to add your name to the statement.The rise of the fascist right, racism and xenophobia across Europe is frightening. Nowhere more so than in Greece.
The Golden Dawn Party is unashamedly anti-Semitic. It is directly involved in attacks on immigrants and the Muslim community, which are happening daily. Critical journalists and oppositional politicians have also been targeted.
Golden Dawn doesn’t seek to hide its neo-Nazi credentials or regalia. Yet it is in the Greek parliament and third in the polls despite one of its leaders physically assaulting two women MPs on television before polling day.
Golden Dawn has grown since entering parliament. It is organising paramilitary gangs and it has infiltrated sections of the police.
Neither conceding to their bigotry nor hoping the storm will pass have ever stopped fascist storm troopers. And Greece, in a 1930s-style economic meltdown is facing the real threat of fascism.
The very word democracy comes to us from Greek. Now in a country that has recent memories of military coup, democracy is again imperilled.
We stand with the suffering Greek people, in their majority, against the most serious threat of fascism any where in Europe in our lifetime.
We support the call for an international day of action to highlight the threat of fascism in Greece. We stand with the civil society organisations and intellectuals who are rallying on 19 January under the banner: Athens – Anti-fascist city. We will gather outside the Greek embassy on that day in London.
It is neither too alarmist nor to late to take this threat seriously. if not now, when?