Tuesday, July 13, 2010
"Ethnics" posted by Richard Seymour

The Desmond media isn't behaving this way simply because the proprietor is a reactionary shit, but because they have carefully segmented out a market, an audience to sell to advertisers. I expect that their painstaking consumer surveys have told them that their readers are economically insecure, racist, and paranoid about the idea that the Third World may be seeping into the UK social landscape - you know, that poor, dirty place that British troops have to go and civilise every so often. You'd probably find that they're the same kinds of people who want to see a return to 'discipline' in schools, 'respect' for authority, and 'family values' - hence, the Express going for the whopper double bigotry burger last week with it's story about gay asylum seekers. It's part of a total, retrograde social vision that seeks solutions to social and economic insecurity in some sort of 'normative' condition that preceded Commonwealth migration and sexual liberation.
For the last ten years, the reaction against a multicultural, multi-racial Britain, with Islamophobia often used as the sharp end of the wedge, has involved using immigration as a narrative to explain domestic and global social processes that are in fact produced by neoliberalism. The revived Powellite ideology has it that immigrants, or "ethnics", are responsible for the breakdown of the welfare state, because people are less willing to pool their resources to look after people of markedly different cultural backgrounds. It blames immigration for placing intolerable stress on public services. It also holds that immigration leads to fewer, less secure, and lower paying, jobs for non-"ethnics". Such arguments are often tied to a kind of protectionist argument in which 'foreign competition' and international out-sourcing are the cause of economic decline.
It isn't hard in this climate, with a recession caused by unfettered finance capital, for politicians such as David Cameron, Frank Field, Ed Balls and others to espouse a nationalist, protectionist argument that, while grudgingly acknowledging that the banks must be subject to some light regulation, comes down especially hard on immigrants. The worse the crisis, the more these arguments will come to the fore. This anti-immigrant discourse is usually hedged by assurances that "ethnics" already living in the UK have nothing to worry about, but the logic of today's immigrant-bashing inescapably leads to the conclusion that previous generations of immigrants and their descendants are responsible for the decline of post-war welfarism, and for the breakdown of social cohesion. Polls probing social attitudes about race and migration tend to find a strong overlap between those who are hostile to immigration, and those who don't believe that black Britons are as properly British as their white counterparts. That's why today's headline talks about "ethnics", because it's a catch-all term for people with brown skin, and those are the people whom the right will attempt to scapegoat for the failings of capitalism.
Labels: bnp scum, capitalism, english defence league, express, islamophobia, media, racism, sexism