Friday, February 05, 2010
36% of Americans, 53% of Dems positive about socialism posted by Richard Seymour
The right-wing hysteria about healthcare in the United States, charging that Obama was a 'socialist' about to bring about radical change to America's property system, provoked a number of mainstream liberals - including in the capitalist media -into defending 'socialism'. The result is that the slur no longer works for a significant minority, and the majority of Democratic voters are open to its virtues. Of course, most of those responding don't mean by socialism what I would mean - they mean European social democracy. But it's a propaganda opportunity, and one the Left should sieze. I reckon stalls should be set up in Democratic strongholds, advertising the virtues of socialism. There should be public meetings, leafletting, and a poster campaign ("Got Socialism?"). As someone somewhere at some time once said - if they give you a handle, turn it. The poll:The Gallup Poll reports that a majority of Democrats, 53%, have a “positive” image of socialism, which includes independents who lean toward the blue party.
Only 17 percent of Republican and GOP-leaners hold socialism in a positive light. In total, more than one-third of Americans, 36%, have a positive image of socialism.
Also viewing socialism positively: 61% of liberals, 39% of moderates and 20% of conservatives
Labels: amreeka, democratic party, liberals, socialism, us working class