Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Stop the War meeting on "Georgia, Nato and the Spread of War" posted by Richard Seymour
(Via Solomon's Mindfield). I thought it was worth mentioning this:Georgia, Nato & The Spread of War
Public meeting-all welcome
Venue: Friends Meeting House (Small Hall), Euston Road, London
Date: Thursday 14 August, 2008
Time: 6.30 pm
MARK ALMOND, lecturer in History, Oxford University and expert on the Caucasus
KATE HUDSON, Chair of Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
BORIS KAGARLITSKI, former director Institute of Globalisation Studies, Moscow
and author of, 'Empire of the Periphery: Russia and the World System'
JOHN REES, Officer of Stop the War Coalition and author of 'Imperialism and Resistance'
The outbreak of war in Georgia is already a disaster for the people of the region. It risks being turned into a still broader problem by Dick Cheney's threats. The conflict is in large measure the product of George Bush's policy of US global hegemony, in the Caucasus as in the Middle East. Attempts to extend NATO eastwards, specifically incorporating Georgia, directly challenge Russian interests.
Please come to the meeting to discuss this latest flashpoint in an increasingly dangerous world and forward this message to your contacts.
You can also read Mark Almond's analysis of the conflict here.
Labels: Georgia, NATO, russia, stop the war coalition