Saturday, December 09, 2006
Reminder: anti-fascist rally 1pm. posted by Richard Seymour
Unite Against Fascism:For the time in many years the BNP is calling a public rally in London attempt to stir up racial hatred in Barking Dagenham. In opposition to this, a peaceful rally against the BNP has been called by Unite Against Fascism, together with South East Region TUC, GMB London Region, UNISON London Region, TGWU South East and East Anglia Region, Communication Workers Union, University and College Union, Barking and Dagenham Alliance Against Racism and Fascism, National Assembly Against Racism and Love Music Hate Racism. All these organisations above have been working to ensure a large mobilisation against the BNP, and will be ensuring the smooth and peaceful running of our protest.
Click on the link for a map and directions.
Update: Nazis humiliated.