Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Eurabiaphobia (Part II) posted by Richard Seymour
Quick plug. The Institute of Race Relations would like to announce this event:The Eurabian nightmare
17 July 2006
A lunchtime seminar by Matt Carr,
journalist and author.
Monday 17 July 2006, from 1-2.15pm
Institute of Race Relations, 2-6 Leeke Street, London, WC1X 9HS
If you've got the time during a lunch break, you could pop in and have a listen. Carr argues that "in recent years an increasingly influential intellectual consensus on both sides of the Atlantic has presented Europe as a doomed and decadent continent that is being transformed into an Islamic colony called 'Eurabia'. What began as an outlandish conspiracy theory has become a dangerous Islamophobic fantasy that has moved ever closer towards mainstream respectability".