Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Collective punishment posted by bat020
New Labour is copying the repugnant Israeli tactic of targeting families and communities that they deem to be "terrorist", according to this story from yesterday's FT:Benefit changes for suspects' families
Relatives of listed terrorist suspects are to have their state benefits removed under new rules from the government. Ed Balls, economic secretary to the Treasury, said yesterday that this "robust" measure would help save lives by making sure taxpayers' money was not channelled into the hands of terrorists.
A day after Gordon Brown, the chancellor, declared his intention to reopen the parliamentary argument over extended detention of terrorist suspects, the move reinforces the determination of Mr Brown and his closest supporters to demonstrate their anti-terrorist credentials.
Without the new measures benefits could be used to support terrorists either directly or indirectly, because household income in generally pooled, the government said.
Where benefit payments are suspended, members of a household that includesa listed terrorists will receive basic financial support under a licence from the Treasury, which will allow detailed supervision to make sure the money is not being made available to the listed person. This provision is required under international agreements.
Update: Faisal Bodi on much the same tip.