Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Fake Sheikh posted by Richard Seymour
Update! From my inbox:There is currently a High Court injunction in place banning the publication of the photos of Mazher Mahmood which you have posted on your webpage. I have passed the link to your webpage on to News International lawyer Tom Crone.
Zak Newland
Night News Editor
News of the World.
Fuck it, and fuck them. Zak Newland can paddle my balls with his greasy kapo tongue.
This story is totally unrelated to the following pictures:
The top picture is merely an example of the kind of thing I might publish if I were trying to show people what Mahzer Mahmood looks like. The second pictures illustrates the sort of thing I might publish if I were trying to show you what his fake passports look like. The third is an example of his cracking journalism. This is all purely hypothetical, of course.
Update: he comes in technicolour too.