Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Latest Galloway Smear. posted by Richard Seymour
The mooncalves at Harry's Slaughterhouse have been remarkably quick in leaping onto BBC Monitoring translation of an interview with Respect MP George Galloway for El Khabar. Brimming with credulity, and eyes afire at the didactic delights found therein, one particular moo-head actually published the material twice, pausing the second time round to actually put the 'gotcha' moments in bold type. They're resourceful with their hypertext, those boys, and every bit as subtle as the average crow bar. The most arresting claim is that Galloway said the following:Today they reached the point of ridiculing the prophet. This incident is worse than the 11 September ttacks in the US and the 7/7 incidents in London. Therefore, today it is the right of Muslims to express their anger and to defend their right and faith.
Well, he didn't. The journalist who interviewed him has acknowledged that he said no such thing, and the paper has promised to issue a correction on its site. The tapes are being sent back to the Respect office, just in case any newspaper or television news programme tries repeating those claims.
It is extremely unlikely that the muppets at HP Sauce would have the imagination or initiative to subscribe to BBC Monitoring, so I suspect that some Labour apparatchik has forwarded the info, as per the fake story about Respect supporters beating up pensioners. Neverthless, nice going on their part. I mean, we at the Tomb waste our time breaking the Official Secrets Act to expose government complicity in torture, casually ignoring a D-Notice to name the MI6 officer alleged to have run a kidnapping and torturing operation from Pakistan to Greece, exposing Innovative Emergency Management's attempt to cover-up its role in Katrina, uncovering Scotland on Sunday's lies about the G8 protest etc etc. Would that we had the collective brain power to repeat a series of abortive lies about George Galloway and other assorted enemies of New Labour.