Sunday, October 02, 2005
Tortured logic. posted by Richard Seymour
I see that the United States has mysteriously decided not to deport their favourite CIA-trained Cuban terrorist to Venezuela, where he is a citizen and is wanted for murder. Apparently, the judge decided that the guy might be tortured. Venezuela correctly replies that it is the US that tortures alleged terrorists. I would have thought, however, that a better claim for extradition might be made by Cuba, against whom most of Luis Posada Carriles' terrorist activities were directed. True, the US might then try the 'torture' gambit, but Cuba would always have the ready response that there is far more, and far worse torture in that part of the island controlled by the US than that controlled by Fidel Castro.This is a state whose soldiers torture people for stress relief (not to mention having a curious negative fascination with the human body). Not only that, but it is given to handing over terror suspects to states known for engaging in torture. They'll even help out with the transport.
I suppose it's too much to ask for honour, decency, truth, justice or even shame from the greasy gangsters presently running the US, but surely they'd have sufficient reserves of embarrassment to get their story straight and make it credible.