Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Liberal Imperialism. posted by Richard Seymour
It's nothing new. Here's a passage from John Stuart Mill's 1859 essay, "A Few Words on Non-Intervention":There assuredly are cases in which it is allowable to go to war, without having been ourselves attacked, or threatened with attack; and it is very important that nations should makeup their minds in time, as to what these cases are....
There is a great difference (for example) between the case in which the nations concerned are of the same, or something like the same, degree of civilization, and that in which one of the parties to the situation is of a high, and the other of a very low, grade of social improvement. To suppose that the same international customs, and the same rules of international morality, can obtain between one civilized nation and another, and between civilized nations and barbarians, is a grave error....
Nations which are still barbarous have not got beyond the period during which it is likely to be for their benefit that they should be conquered and held in subjection by foreigners. Independence and nationality, so essential to the due growth and development of a people further advanced in improvement, are generally impediments to theirs....
Barbarians have no rights as a nation, except a right to such treatment as may, at the earliest possible period, fit them for becoming one....
A civilized government cannot help having barbarous neighbors: when it has, it cannot always content itself with a defensive position, one of mere resistance to aggression. After a longer or shorter interval of forbearance, it either finds itself obliged to conquer them, or to assert so much authority over them, and so break their spirit, that they gradually sink into a state of dependence on itself .... This is the history of the relations of the British Government with the native States of India.
What a difference 146 years makes.