Monday, September 05, 2005
Tomb announcements posted by Richard Seymour
I don't normally do this, but there are a few things that need to be brought to readers' attention.First, I am pleased to announce that we have been nominated for a BOB Award for Best Weblog by Deutsche Welle, which I am told is a major German publication. Thanks to whoever nominated the Tomb.
Also, you will notice that besides the new look, there are a number of new features. The 'Customise' function in the left side-bar enables you to change the size of the text and the headlines according to your preferences. You can also choose between a range of fonts. If your editing fouls up, simply click on 'Restore defaults', then on 'Customize' again to hide the feature. The 'Print' function at the end of each post will take you to a new print-friendly page for the individual post which will headline it and add automatic headers and footers. It will also connect automatically to your printer so you merely have to select and it will print. Thanks for all of this technological wizardry to Max, a regular commenter on the Tomb as well as a brilliant writer in his own right.
Finally, in the links section you'll see a new block called 'Dossiers'. This is to provide easy access to information that will be useful for Tomb users - Google searches aren't always effective. The latest to be added is Hurricane Katrina dossier, a list links of posts relating to the aftermath of the devastating hurricane that has torn much of Louisiana and Mississippi apart. I intend to add a further one about the murder of Jean Charles de Menezes.
Normal service is now resumed.