Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Gays tortured, killed in Iran. posted by Richard Seymour
Doug Ireland has an extraordinary and excruciating story of a gay man from Iran named Amir who has been subjected to the most vile torture and abuse by Iran's police for being a homosexual. This is the latest in a series of articles on what Doug Ireland describes as a 'deadly anti-gay purge', including the execution of two gay teenagers. Quote:Then, says Amir, the torture began. “There was a metal chair in the middle of the room -- they put a gas flame under the chair, and made me sit on it as the metal seat got hotter and hotter. They threatened to send me to an army barracks where all the soldiers were going to rape me. There was a soft drink bottle sitting on a table -- Ali Panahi told one of the other basiji to take the bottle and shove it up my as, screaming, ‘This will teach you not to want any more cock!’ I was so afraid of sitting in that metal chair as it got hotter and hotter that I confessed. Then they brought out my file, and told me that I was a ‘famous faggot’ in Shiraz. They beat me up so badly that I passed out, and was thrown, unconscious, into a holding cell.
The article contains gruesome photographic evidence of the torture.