Thursday, September 22, 2005
Basra: the uses of terror. posted by Richard Seymour
Remember Donald Rumsfeld's plan to provoke terrorist attacks? You know, the Proactive Preemptive Operations Group. The ones charged by Rumsfeld's Defense Department to come up with ways to "stimulate reactions" among terrorist groups. No, of course you don't: that particular pecadillo has slipped gently and unintrusively down the memory hole.How about the Pentagon's proposals for terrorist attacks on US soil? Operation Northwoods? Oh, do wake up! Very well, the reference may still be a little obscure. Perhaps the involvement of the FSB in the Moscow Bombings and the Algerian government's perpetration of terrorist atrocities both in Algeria and Paris? The use of terrorist death squads in El Salvador and Nicaragua? Or Colombia and Angola? The deployment of terrorist atrocities in Cuba? Counter-insurgency terror campaigns in Vietnam? Operation Gladio?
Okay, I won't press the point. You should be watching more carefully, that's all. Might I apprise you of the fact that the Tomb's archives are a veritable treasure chest of knowledge and enlightenment? I might one day, just you wait.
However, what to make of British Special Reconaissance Unit operatives in Basra replete with weapons and what is alleged to be explosive equipment? Dressed as insurgents, with beards cut in the Shia style, wearing Mahdi army black and cream? Iraqi security officials accused them of planting bombs.
I mean, what is all this shit, guys? You having troubles at home? You should know that some Iraqis suspect you of engaging in terrorist activities with a view to dividing them and discrediting groups you dislike. I'm not the kind of person to throw around such wild charges, but I think you'd probably behead your own grannies on a live web-cam feed if the British state asked you to.
So does Kurt Nimmo.