Thursday, August 18, 2005
To the barricades! posted by Richard Seymour
An RMT member e-mails to point out that there is to be a protest by the Menezes family on Monday at Downing Street, starting at 6.30pm. I can't find a website with the details, but as he's one of yer union agitators I trust him to know this sort of thing. Someone's head needs to roll for this murder, and I nominate the liar-in-chief . (Check this out by the way). He promises there is an update coming shortly.Also, regarding the Gate Gourmet workers' strike, which is ongoing , please consider having a collection (PDF file) in your workplace and sending donations to the TGWU . Don't send it to me at any rate: I'll just spend it on drugs.
Speaking of which, another e-mailer forwards a brief missive from British Airways, part of which runs:
As you are a valued customer to British Airways, I would like to provide you with an update on the current problems we are experiencing with our onboard catering, due to unofficial industrial action by our Heathrow catering supplier Gate Gourmet...
Except of course that they aren't on unofficial industrial action, because they have all been fired by megaphone.
Finally, George Galloway and Popinjay Hitchens are to debate the Iraq war on Wednesday September 14th, at the following address in New York:
Mason Hall, Baruch Performing Arts Center
17 Lexington Avenue at 23rd Street
6, N, R, F to 23rd Street
Tickets are $12, which should leave you with enough change for a supersize Maccy Ds if you're over the pond. Apparently, this is all part of Galloway's tour of the US, but these two pugilists are among the few operators in politics today to have egos capacious enough for America. Should be fun.