Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Pop Life: It's Gr8! posted by Richard Seymour
A while ago, I mentioned that the Telegraph's pop critic had decided to release a single called "People I Don't Know Are Trying to Kill Me". Private Eye brings the latest news from this epic pop journey:Across the land on Sunday night, Daily Telegraph readers were hunched
over their trannies, hoping for news of the chart position of People I
Don't Know Are Trying To Kill Me, the eloquent reaction to the London
bombings which also happens to be the debut single by the paper's pop
critic Neil McCormick.
Would it be number one? Top ten? Top 40? Would it even scrape the top
150? Sadly, no. After nearly a full week on sale, and despite no fewer
than three lengthy pieces in the Telegraph plugging his opus (one
pointing out that "in the terrible void left by the bombing, people
were eager in some way to respond), the download-only track had sold a
grand total of... eight copies.
Never mind. As Prince explains in 'Pop Life', "Everybody can't be on top". Quite. But my brother's pub-touring heavy metal band has sold more than eight fucking singles. Pack it in, mate.