Sunday, July 10, 2005
Lexical explosions. posted by Richard Seymour
Following the attacks in London this week, some people will lack words to describe how appalled they are at the heinous antiwar Left. I've therefore rummaged around, and found this on the Mutualist blog:Moral Relativism. Aka historicism. The denial of any unified, objective standard of value. The diametric opposite of Moral Equivalence (q.v.).
Moral Equivalence. Judgment of the United States government by the same unified, objective standard of value as the governments of other countries. The diametric opposite of Moral Relativism (q.v.).
Moral Clarity. The Zen-like state of mind from which it is possible accuse the same political enemy, simultaneously, of both Moral Relativism and Moral Equivalence.
I hope this helps.