Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Conspiracy Theory posted by Richard Seymour
David Horowitz has the goods on us evil lefties and why the antiwar movement needs to be watched ("This is the lesson of London: Take the hostile force within your country and within your political coalition seriously. It’s not a game anymore. This is something I learned in my years on the left. All too often, people mean what they say. Make no mistake, those who talk revolution and war against our country are quite capable of acting on their talk -- of aiding and abetting those who are already at war and want to kill us. When the day comes that they step over the line and translate their words into action, they will do it with the best of intentions: to make the world a better place. That is the reason they are so dangerous. Like Mohammed Atta who did it for Allah, they will do it for a noble cause." ( via )
In the interests of national security, I'm now providing a list of these disgraceful revolutionists:
Salma Yaqoob shockingly suggests that the bombing of London is linked to the bombing of Iraq . Disgusting!
Tariq Ali tells peace-botherers the same thing . Outrage!
Bloke on bus tells BBC journo Gareth Furby the same thing . Is there no end to the treason?