Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Bush/war support tumbles. posted by Richard Seymour
This poll contains some interesting findings. 75% of Americans say the level of casualties from the war in Iraq is unacceptable; almost 60% say it was not worth fighting in the first place; and over 40% say it is becoming like Vietnam. Further, 52% of Americans disapprove of how Bush is handling his Presidency.Bush and Republicans in Congress were receiving more of the blame for the recent standoffs over such issues as Bush's judicial nominees and Social Security. Six in 10 respondents said Bush and GOP leaders are not making good progress on the nation's problems; of those, 67 percent blamed the president and Republicans while 13 percent blamed congressional Democrats. For the first time, a majority, 55 percent, also said Bush has done more to divide the country than to unite it.
Also interesting is that only 12% of Americans consider terrorism the nation's top priority. Looks like it could be time for another Rumsfeld moment: "Something is happening somewhere, and it could be to the north, east, west and south somewhat, er, many people may die, we don't know, but our intelligence says that there is sustained activity somewhere, er, but there are unknown quantities, and known qualities, and all I can say at the moment is lock your doors and be very careful who you sleep next to. Next question. Tom?"