Thursday, May 26, 2005
Realpolitik posted by Richard Seymour
Recent events prompt me to a bit of citation:Roy: Unethical? Are you trying to embarrass me in front of my friend?
Joe: Well it is unethical, I can't...
Roy: Boy, you really are something, what the fuck do you think this is, Sunday School?
Joe: No, but Roy this is...
Roy: This is ... this is gastric juices churning, this is enzymes and acids, this is intestinal is what this is, bowel movement and blood-red meat - this stinks, this is politics, Joe, the game of being alive. And you think you're ... What? Above that? Above alive is what? Dead! In the clouds! You're on earth, goddamit! Plant a foot, stay a while.
And later:
Roy: Yes. Yes. You have heard of Ethel Rosenberg. Yes. Maybe you even read about her in the history books.
If it wasn't for me, Joe, Ethel Rosenberg would be alive today, writing some personal advice column for Ms. magazine. She isn't. Because during the trial, Joe, I was on the phone ever day, talking with the judge...
Joe: Roy...
Roy: Every day, doing what I do best, talking on the telephone, making sure that timid Yid nebbish on the bench did his duty to America, to history. That sweet unprepossessing woman, two kids, boo-hoo-hoo, reminded us all of our little Jewish mamas - she came this close to getting life; I pleaded till I wept to put her in the chair. Me. I did that. I would have fucking pulled the switch if they'd have let me. Why? Because I fucking hate traitors. Because I fucking hate communists. Was it legal? Fuck legal. Am I a nice man? Fuck nice. They say terrible things about me in The Nation. Fuck The Nation. You want to be Nice, or you want to be Effective? Make the law, or be subject to it. Choose.
That stuff's from Tony Kushner, Angels In America, Part One: Millenium Approaches. As you might have gathered, the Roy in that dialogue is Roy Cohn. And he has spawned a thousand and one little bastards, desperately trying to emulate him.