Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Links & Notes. posted by Richard Seymour
Well, as I'm taking a quick break from Hobbes and the rest (if anyone has any good dirt on Hobbes, kindly let me know), I've got some interesting links and reading material for you.First of all, go have a listen to Doug Ireland talk about the EU Constitution Treaty vote. There's a nice blend of analysis and background information on the key players. You need Real Player.
Secondly, the new site UK Watch has been drawn to my attention. It's a sort of ZNet for the United Kingdom, bringing together an assortment of radical left-wing commentary on a range of issues. It is clearly still in development, but there's already a wealth of invaluable material on there. I particularly like this .
Finally, I want to highlight Peter Mandelson's commitment to democracy :
Peter Mandelson, the trade commissioner in Brussels, said the French government could well ask the people to vote again in a second referendum in the hope of getting a different answer.
"No single member state has a veto over a constitutional treaty of this sort," he said.
"France will have to consider its position: whether it is going to maintain a No or whether it is going to revisit the question and possibly come forward with a different view."
Of course, all member states have a veto. You'd expect the EU's trade commissioner to know that. Pillock.