Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Johann Hari Embarrasses Himself... posted by Richard Seymour
File under outlandish reality bloggery. The 'Young Journalist of the Year' is getting a bit desperate in his bid to shed the guilt of having supported the mass murder in Iraq. Tonight, as you will have heard, there were hustings at The East London Communities Organisation’s (Telco) accountability assembly. Security was tight as Galloway and King were set to clash again.Hari was seen sat at the back, noisily drawing attention to himself throughout the proceedings. He hissed when Galloway spoke, of course, cheered ostentatiously when King spoke, and generally made himself ridiculous. When the debate was finally over, Hari stood up and asked of some Labour delegates, in that stentorian voice of his: "Hey, shall I get a Respect poster and burn it?"
One man turned round at that point to regard the boyish interloper. Hari looked him square in the face and said - "tell Oona she was great, by the way!" The man looked at him and said, with considerable bearded placidity, "I am unlikely to do that since I'm the national secretary of Respect". The silly bastard had accosted John Rees. "How embarrassing," he cooed, "I thought you were her husband!"
Hari then proceeded to try and interrupt the television interviewers as they questioned Galloway. He yelled the usual nonsense, like "Galloway supports genocide, he's a - argh! - he supports a dictator of a - hello?" The reporters who, one expects, exceeded Hari in sobriety, turned round and looked in amazement at this voluble and volumous attention grabber. Hari continued apace, and was seen minutes later bragging loudly into his mobile phone about the incident. There can only be a handful of people in the land that would find that sort of idiocy impressive - but trust Hari to know every one of them.
Rick from the Young Ones is reborn: "the fascist bastard!!!"