Friday, April 01, 2005
"Beat the fuck out of them". posted by Richard Seymour
That's how US soldiers were told to treat prisoners in Iraq , according to documents obtained by the ACLU:The ACLU said the reason for the delay in delivering the more than 1,200 pages of documents was "evident in the contents," which include reports of brutal beatings, "exercise until exhaustion," and sworn statements that soldiers were told to "beat the f**k out of" detainees. One file cites evidence that military intelligence personnel in Iraq "tortured" detainees held in their custody.
And the ACLU has disclosed a Sept. 14, 2003 memo signed by Lt. Gen. Ricardo A. Sanchez, then senior commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, authorizing 29 interrogation techniques, including 12 that "far exceeded limits established by the Army's own Field Manual."
And you wonder why they're trying to escape from the prisons over there... The gates of hell are open in Iraq.
Glory, glory hallelujah, la mission civilatrice is on once again.