Tuesday, March 22, 2005
The oldest hatred. posted by Richard Seymour
Oh, joy of joys! I now have nutters visiting me from the Jewish Tribal Review, an anti-Semitic website created by fundamentalist Christians and 'revisionists'. I won't link to it, but the reason for the link is that the blogger Robert Lindsay has written a post complaining about anti-Semitic comments of his being deleted from the Tomb. The JTR, which Lindsay links to (see under The Jewish Question), has republished his post on their site, although they may well have done this without his permission.If any of their visitors take to depositing anti-Semitic filth in the comments boxes, they will be deleted and banned. Yeah, see, its because I'm part of the evil Zionist conspiracy that controls the world and... woo ha ha ha ha ha. Etc. The Tomb is commodious enough to handle most kind of kooks, but not these fucking fruitbats.