Thursday, March 03, 2005
Oh, do shut up, Charles! posted by Richard Seymour
Prince Charles is touring Australia and, just so you know, he has been inspecting the locals' diets. He began his visit by claiming that the British public had "tortured" him over his relationship with Camilla Parker Bowles:"I thought the British people were supposed to be compassionate," Charles said, according to the excerpt printed in The Mail on Sunday newspaper.
"I don't see much of it."
Well, we haven't buggered him on video, electrocuted him, beaten him with poles or given him the strappado - but that can be remedied. However, if we do this, it will be because a) he is a Royal and b) he talks bollocks.
For instance, Prince Charles complained some time ago about the possibiliy of GM technology leading to a potential "genetic disaster" - which makes it all the more strange that he wants to marry one. At any rate, anyone from a heriditary monarchy moaning about genetic calamity is asking for it. I've seen pictures of the Royals together and they only have three faces between them; one of those belongs to the corgi.
His ramblings about the environment have been widely mocked, although his spokespeople insist he has many Green advisers. That would be more impressive if they didn't live in window-boxes.
I do think it sad, though, that the number of Britons who want to see Charles become King has dropped to 31% . I mean, after all, we had a King Charles before...