Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Nothing. posted by Richard Seymour
This photo is nothing :
According to Corporal Daniel Kenyon , pictured, who is facing trial for the torture of prisoners in Iraq:
That to me is absolutely nothing, he's just posing for a picture and that's it.What kind of a pose? Well, the corporal went on to explain (so says the television news) that it was just like someone pulling a face in the background while a photo was being taken. What kind of fucking circles does that guy move in? Ever seen that in a wedding album?
He goes on to say that the pictures in which soldiers are seen wielding sticks weren't merely for show:
"It's been described before as they were getting tapped with sticks," he said.Why?
"They weren't - they were getting a proper beating with sticks."
"Because if no fear is instilled into any sort of thief or rapist, whatever they may be, then they will just keep doing the same thing over and over again."Fantastic. The hang 'em and flog 'em lobby, thriving in Iraq today. How long before we see the Express headline: "You CAN torture robbers!"?