Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Lenin vs Linda Grant. posted by Richard Seymour
Grist for my mill, dears! Linda Grant, whom you know I was pestering a few days ago for a source on her vulgarising claims about suicide bombers, has taken the trouble to write to me again, this time about a post of mine from a few days ago.The exchange began with the following note from Linda:
"Israel is perhaps the most successful and enduring occupation in history."
Over 1.6 million Tibetans have died as the result of their occupation by China, according to this source
And more
all very quiet on the Tibetan front, the most successful and enduring occupation, predating the Israeli occupation by over a decade, murdering more people, but hush, do not speak of it, it would only complicate things for the left.. Sssshhhhhh. That’s right, nice blanket of silence. We knew we could rely on the left to leave it to a few vapid movie stars to say a few vapid things and then nothing.
Ssshhhhhhhh, nothing going on in Tib. . .
The rest of the exchange is recorded here .
Watch, smitten reader: the insinuations, the glib phrases that connote more than they denote, the back-tracking...
That's an unfair summary, but then I am an unfair witness.