Sunday, February 20, 2005
Graceless gloating. posted by Richard Seymour
British Blogs Top Ten does what it says on the tin - it monitors the most popular British blogs, whose stat pages are accessible to the public. This is a problematic listing, since it leaves out those whose stats are not publicly available - like Harry's Place and Normblog , both of which are well-linked and must pull in about 1,000 a day or more. However, one thing does strike me about the list: I've beat Stephen Pollard , the impervious, tumescent ego that inadvertently ended Blunkett's career, and also Peter Cuthbertson , The Guardian's poster-boy of youthful Tory fogeyism. Now, Cuthbertson gets to have a column in the National Review Online on the basis of his 348 daily readers. In the interests of balance, I demand a New Statesman diary column. Now!The only thing that saddens me is that all the people above me are, without exception, purveyors of unmitigated pap. Well, at least the author of the reactionary Policeman's Blog (he should have called it The Secret Policeman's Ball) can occasionally turn a decent phrase. But that's it.
One last thing. I am alarmed by the apparent absence of a certain part-time tabloid journalist who works in the City. Please pay him a visit .