Monday, December 13, 2004
Berlusconi. posted by Richard Seymour
Says here in The Guardian that a film is to be made about Berlusconi:Silvio Berlusconi, Italy's controversial prime minister, may be the subject of a new film.
The La Stampa newspaper reported at the weekend that a written account of Mr Berlusconi's life, An Italian Story, was being considered as the basis of a feature film - with the prime minister's backing.
The book was a charming official hagiography which explained, among other things, where young Silvio got his "sense of duty, love of hard work, and capacity for self-sacrifice".
Never mind the faintly fascist language there (they should have finished the series: duty, hard work, self-sacrafice, honour, blood, soil...). Berlusconi has a 'capacity for self-sacrafice'? Heh! Let's see him put that little idea into practice.