Monday, December 06, 2004
Bat on Galloway. posted by Richard Seymour
No, that isn't a literal depiction of some sordid reality. Galloway has had a few bloodsuckers on his back, but the Bat isn't one of them. Here's an excellent insider article on Galloway and his fight against the Telegraph:I've been following the George Galloway libel story with a personal as well as a political interest – I was working for the Telegraph at the time of the smear – so I was doubly satisfied to see my former senior management come a cropper in the High Court last week.
The atmosphere in the Telegraph office back in April last year was bitter, but subdued. Most journalists, in my section at least, were openly anti-war, and many had been on the huge Stop the War Coalition demo on 15 February 2003. We were also in the midst of a protracted battle for union recognition, which we won a few months later.
Given this backdrop, us hacks instantly clocked this story for what it was: a politically motivated attack aimed at discrediting an anti-war movement that had unleashed rebellious sentiment across the country, even stoking discontent among the paper's own staff.
Go read. And put comments in his box, you silent, whimpering wretches.