Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Viva la revolucion!! posted by Richard Seymour
Trust him, he's a doctor.Latin America, once treated as little more than a tie-shaped napkin to be wiped on the epicentre of Oliver North's anal spinchter, is wresting itself from the hold of US imperialism. Ideological manifestations of this have, of late, included Argentina, Venezuela & Brazil. Now, it's Uruguay's turn .
Uruguay's first ever left-wing President is a cancer specialist. He should be amply placed, therefore, to recognise that the tumour has outgrown the patient and that one or t'other must go. If he doesn't, and the ruling tumescence tires of his ways, he could well become another Allende. If he does, and the ruling tumescence tires of his ways, he could well become another Allende.