Sunday, November 28, 2004
Keep it in the fambly. posted by Richard Seymour
Because I'm so Proud of Britain , I have been invited to join the fambly .And The Fambly didn't take too well to those toerags in the Labour Party trying to bring the heavies to Chris Lightfoot. So Harry 'Bricktop' Hutton has had a word:
TO: THE LABOUR PARTY, DEPARTMENT OF CREATIVE LITIGATIONAnd now, we've got a new friend in the family; a spritely young buck from the Tourist Board, who is also Proud of Britain.
Dear Toe Rags,
When you disrespected Lightfoot, you disrespected The Family. And no one disrespects The Family.
You will rue the day.
Yours sincerely,
Harry Hutton.
He's out to set a few chancers straight:
This site will dedicate itself to the promotion of pride in this wonderful land mass and its various off shore tax havens. For too long, our accomplishments and sacred national values have gone unnoticed. We British, too modest to boast of our success like our uncouth but certainly very close friends across the Atlantic, have allowed the world to believe that we are a beleaguered former Empire clinging desperately to the coat-tails of the present one and contributing only shell suits to the fight against terrorism. This is a sad misperception which they shall swiftly be disabused of. Onward, countrymen!Gawd. This is enough to give me the arsehole. And I can't have the arsehole, can I boys?