Saturday, November 13, 2004
Fallujah burning... posted by Richard Seymour
Baghdad Burning has some words for those idly standing by while Fallujah is murdered:They say the people have nothing to eat. No produce is going into the city and the water has been cut off for days and days. Do you know what it's like to have no clean water??? People are drinking contaminated water and coming down with diarrhoea and other diseases. There are corpses in the street because no one can risk leaving their home to bury people. Families are burying children and parents in the gardens of their homes. WHERE IS EVERYONE???
Furthermore, where is Sistani? Why isn't he saying anything about the situation? When the South was being attacked, Sunni clerics everywhere decried the attacks. Where is Sistani now, when people are looking to him for some reaction? The silence is deafening.
We're not leaving the house lately. There was a total of 8 hours of electricity today and we've been using the generator sparingly because there is a mysterious fuel shortage... several explosions were heard in different places.
Meanwhile, aid agencies in Iraq are describing the situation for civilians in Fallujah as a big disaster ; witnesses report smoke and corpses ; US troops are using white phosphorous , which is - just for your information - a substance generally classified as a 'chemical weapon' when used in war. It's use violates the Geneva Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare for those who think it matters.
But, look, have some humanity - if the troops don't get to kill someone they get fucking bored !