Monday, October 18, 2004
Links & Comments. posted by Richard Seymour
I'd just like first of all to say hello and thank you to RafahPundits for linking me on their blog. I'll let them explain themselves in their own words:This website is dedicated to the town and the people of Rafah.
The idea behind the original site was to open a window into - and out of - an area that most of 'The West' perceive to be a terrorist hotbed of Islamic fundamentailsts and perpetual smugglers - which it isn't.
People live there, it's a town with shops and markets (and internet cafes) & ordinary families who desperately wish to live a normal peaceful life.
Contributors/Bloggers to this project/website live there or have lived there and work there or have worked there.
I will be creating a new range of links sections, and one of them will be dedicated to Palestine blogs and websites. I am also readying a post on the 'two-state solution'. I'm just rather proud for the moment to have acquired a readership in Palestine.