Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Huh? on 9/11 posted by Richard Seymour
In a piece entitled The Lessons of September 11th , H.U.H.? suggests that:September 11th was not a wake-up call to the mortal danger of Islamic fundamentalist terrorism facing the west; on the contrary, what the WTC attacks showed is that Al Qaeda is not a threat at all.
Flying two planes into the World Trade Center is the most gruesome demonstration of the truth of the old cliché that terrorism is the weapon of the weak. It’s a terrifying illustration of the strength of the forces arrayed against humanity that even the powerless can kill 3000 people: but that’s how it is, and, if we want to be able to change this, we need to understand these forces.
The pro-war Left like to accuse anti-war forces of an immature, knee-jerk oppositionism, but we should be clear about this: with their subsititution of emotional moralism for a serious political analysis, the pro-war Left are romantics in the most teenaged sense.
I'm with him up to the last phrase. Hordes of spotty young warniks dashing toward the barricades with flags flying, banners afloat and guns aloft screaming "Viva Dick Cheney!!"? Can't see it.