Friday, September 17, 2004
Killer Fox posted by Richard Seymour
Harry Hutton, who now appears to have changed sites , has composed a superb letter to the times on the matter of fox-hunting:Sir,
The threat posed to human life by foxes is minimal. These days you are more likely to be crapped on by a parrot than you are to be eaten by a fox. Kind of puts it into perspective, doesn't it?
But if I were on my own in a lonely place and a tribe of slavering foxes came to bite my family and eat my chickens I would shoot first, and ask questions later. And d*** and f*** the communists to whom foxes are more important than the family unit and happy chickens. They are c***s sir, they are c***s.
He goes on to add: "I am not very good with words, but what I am trying to say here is that you can't have family values and foxes. There is a trade-off. So what's it going to be, Mr Blair? Foxes, or your delightful family unit? Everyone is human, even communists and foxes. But will there still be wars in the future? Let us pray."
Now, if he'd written that letter to the Telegraph and styled himself as a retired colonel, he'd probably have had that printed at the top of the page.