Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Quote of the Day; Fact of the Day. posted by Richard Seymour
Republican Congressman Tom Coburn:
"We've got to figure out what we believe in our country. Do we believe in capitalism and money or do we believe in human rights?" (Washington Post, May 15th, 1998).
Coburn, a staunch advocate of the former, nevertheless does believe that some sordid business interests should be curtailed. Sweated labour? Diamond mining involving children? Nope, the target of the good Congressman's ire is the sinful condom.
Access to food is not a human right. At a World Food Summit in Rome (1996), organised by the United Nations, one country stood out from the pack in objecting to an affirmation of the "right of everyone to have access to safe and nutritious food". The fear was that it could be interpreted in such a way as to allow poor countries to sue for special aid and trade provisions. Just to be sure, that country drafted a series of "interpretive statements" designed to minimise such risks. As Rolf Harris once famously quipped, can you guess who it is yet? (Washington Post, November 18th, 1996.) Congressman Coburn, all your questions have been answered.