Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Open Mouth, Insert Foot. posted by Richard Seymour
"You're either with us, or with the terrorists." - George W. Bush."That's known as asking for it." - Gore Vidal.
From today's Guardian on two British recruits to the Mahdi Army:
They planned their trip for months and when Mr Sadr emerged as a powerful leader after organising a series of uprisings in April, they de cided to volunteer to join his force. "Bush said 'you are either with us or against us'," Abu Haqid added. "We had to decide either to be with him or against him, and we are against him definitely."
Both were at pains to point out their disapproval of Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaida network and insisted their presence in Mr Sadr's militia did not amount to terrorism, because they were fighting against uniformed soldiers.
"Bin Laden and his group are totally against our belief, killing innocent civilians," said Abu Haqid. "Killing innocent people we cannot do. That is terrorism, this is defending your country."