Tuesday, August 17, 2004
David Cross posted by Richard Seymour
David Cross, an American comedian who has (justly) been compared to the late Bill Hicks, is performing at the Soho Theatre until August 28th. According to Jack Black,If you miss a chance to see him perform, you're a total a-hole. I would crawl through glass to watch this guy take a shit.
Tsch, Hollywood! However, having got hold of his latest CD, I will definitely be attending and I recommend you do too. Why the comparisons with Bill Hicks? Because Cross's timing, attitude and material is very very similar to Bill's. Unlike certain other comedians who are still unfortunately very much alive, however, Cross didn't simply lift a load of Hicks' material, make a few minor alterations and call it his own. (I'm talking about you, Leary). Cross' material is original, cuts to the bone, and is in very poor taste. His take on bullshit pseudo-spiritual rock bands like Creed and Evanescence?
I would sooner listen to the death rattle of my only child than hear that fucking shit.
On Al Qaeda:
I don't think bin Laden sent those planes over to attack us because he hates freedom. I think he did it because of our support for Israel and our ties to the Saudi royal family, and all the military bases we have over there. You know why I think that? Because that's what he fucking said! What are we, a nation of six-year-olds? Answer, yes.
Which is as well because, like Bill Hicks, he is available for children's parties.