Monday, August 23, 2004
Bittersweet parody. posted by Richard Seymour
Someone who styles him or herself as 'Oliver' has been doing the rounds at MediaLens and Harry's Place, crying foul over an apparently malicious piss-take. Following the provided link, I discover this :Banausic, Irrelevant Gnats.
It has come to my attention that a certain parodist is wasting bandwidth and precious time in therapy attempting to poke fun at my blog. I used to take a great deal of pleasure in destroying such foetus-brains, but my new wife has instructed me not to bother. So sayeth she, and so shall it be. I will just point out, however, that as attempted satire, it completely misses the mark. It is literally packed with feeble non-sequiturs, portentous gibbering, pretentious cultural references, grammatical sniping, surreptitious name-dropping, self-advertisement, some feeble take-downs on some rather feeble Liberal Democrats and rhetorical attacks on the late Soviet regime.
As Christopher Hitchens once told me over the phone, "the united front against bullshit can withstand even the tidal wave of it emanating from the cavities of the European elite if we just hold firm."
I adhere steadily to that view, and would advise all future parodists that they are as gnats beating against a polished windscreen. Incidentally, anyone using the comments boxes to make incendiary, libellous, racist or other remarks will find their comments deleted. No exceptions.
Hmmm. Well, whoever you are, brave soul, I know exactly how you feel .