Thursday, July 01, 2004
A Few Quick Links. posted by Richard Seymour
I promise you, this is not in lieu of a post. I just thought you might find the following links interesting:Critical Montages has some interesting information on the political progress of the US Green Party, particularly in the wake of their spectacular failure to "seize the Walter Cronkite moment" and back Nader.
Tariq Ali says nothing has changed in Iraq on account of the "handover".
Michael Berg says his anti-war views were censored by US television. But of course, that sort of thing never happens in a free country.
Miscellany recounts my experience in Warwick , and in the pub .
And just one other, a good post from Jeremy about "Why I support the Iraqi Resistance" . Presumably because his thinking isn't larded with that liberal condescension toward victims of US/UK aggression that is so ubiquitous these days.