Sunday, July 25, 2004
Daniel Brett posted by Richard Seymour
A few years ago, I had a prolonged and often furious row with the young journalist and political activist, Daniel Brett . Conducted over e-mail, our debate was 'regulated but not constituted' by our polar views on the viability of a two-state solution in Israel. It ended with him politely asking to excuse himself from the debate - quite rightly too, as there was no possibility of agreement or of narrowing the scope of disagreement.Since then, his fantastic website has evolved to include an articulate and informed weblog. Well-travelled, he is a Third World adept, a crack internationalist exploding the myths by which the West sustains its contradictory and incoherent policies in the world. His reporting is humane and intelligent. It will surprise and educate. I strongly recommend you go have a look see .