Sunday, June 13, 2004
Greens Go Barmy... posted by Richard Seymour
The Green Party has responded with increasingly characteristic lack of grace to its trouncing in the London polls at the hands of Respect. It claims that Respect split the vote, and complains about the disunity on the Left.Okay, first of all we didn't split the vote, you fuckers - you did. We asked you to team up with us, and you responded with some pretty odious red-baiting and party self-interest. Dr Caroline Lucas told the press that the Greens had just enjoyed their best election successes in years, so they'd be just fine without us, thanks. Big mistake. Together, we could have seriously eroded New Labour's hegemony on the left vote. We could have pushed a radical, anti-war agenda which also favoured workers' rights, environmental protection, anti-racism and sexual and religious diversity. UKIP would have had nothing on us. Anyway, you're polling better than us in the Euro elections, (I await the results as they're due right about now).
So, "disunity" of the Left? Yeah, thanks to you!
By the by, Dr Spencer Fitzgibbon, if you're going to red-bait at least research your terms. "Broad front" is not a term in the Trotskyist lexicon. Perhaps you mean "united front", but that cannot be described as a policy which "encourages the communists to use and manipulate more moderate elements" - certainly not by anyone who knows what they are talking about.
PS: James at Dead Men Left has done this far better than me. Go see .