Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Mock Exam posted by Richard Seymour
The warniks have a stout opponent in Tex at Unfair Witness . Having casually sliced to shreds a ubiquitous but infantile pro-war argument ("If the Iraqi war was about oil, why are gas prices so high?"), he then puts six questions to the advocates of imperial misadventure. The few of them who visit this site are invited to attempt answers:If the Iraqi war was about Weapons of Mass Destruction, where are they?
If the Iraqi war was about disarming Saddam, is he?
If the Iraqi war was about democracy, why aren't the Iraqis allowed to vote for anything?
If the Iraqi war was about freedom, why have 43,000 of them been imprisoned with over 10,000 of them still in US military-run prisons?
If the Iraqi war was about liberating Iraqis from oppression, why are Iraqis being tortured in American prisons?