Friday, March 12, 2004
WTF? posted by Richard Seymour
Diane Abbot explaining why Al Qaeda might have attacked Spain:"Plus, you know, terrorists are big on history and, you know, Spain was important in the Crusades..."
(Diane Abbot, The Politics Show, 11th March 2004).
PS: Just a quick thought now. If this is ETA - and it still may be - then this is their Omagh moment. This is the moment where any and all support they had dries up, and their organisation is finally broken. Even if it isn't ETA, it will have enough of an ideological impact to really destroy any potential ETA has of winning its struggle in the old ways. Guerilla struggle is in most cases an elitist affair, excluding the mass of the population while the 'professionals' go out and do the dirty work. It even, of course, kills many people who would otherwise agree with the cause, just as the IRA campaign did for so many decades. Just a thought...