Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Spanish Election posted by Richard Seymour
From Matthew Turner's place :"What you should be reading on right-wing blogs
Dear Spaniards,
We apologies for maligning you over your recent election. It appears that actually the Socialist Party was 2% in the lead before the attacks, so at most about 1% of right-wing voters changed sides after the attacks, and in any case we have no evidence why they changed sides. It could have been for a plethora of reasons, only one of which involves 'giving into Al Qaeda' like we suggested. Furthermore the turnout was up, and that almost certainly brought many new voters into the equation. Most of this we knew when we wrote our foul nonsense (see below) but the fact is that we don't really believe that any country should have a foreign policy which isn't 100% support for George Bush, nor do we believe much in democracy.
Right-Wing Bloggers
What you might read...
Dear Portuguese,
Go ahead, appease the Islamofascistibabykillermotherfuckers. Bow your heads to god their way, cover your women in black sacking, kill your gays. Forbid Jews to hold good jobs, make them wear yellow stars – you know the drill. As the Great Cthulhu says, “You will be devoured last! Yum!” But at least you’ll have shown up those Yankee imperialists! And that’s what counts, isn’t it?"
Right-Wing Bloggers"
It seems the Whitehouse are taking a similar (though more sober) line, indicating that:
"Terrorists must not be allowed to think that they influence elections or that they influence policy. That would be a terrible message to send."
I do hope they'll go and inform the Nicaraguans of that salient American principle.