Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Miscellaneous... posted by Richard Seymour
Harry's Place has finally produced an article which I'd like to firmly recommend. No doubt I'll be regretting that in a couple of days' time, but Harry has rattled out a furious response to Mark Steyn, that pig-eyed sack of shit who works for the Telegraph, on his claims that "The Spanish Dishonoured Their Dead" .Both he and Chris Brooke have linked an excellent response by Chris Bertram over at Crooked Timber . Naturally, I wish he wouldn't say he'd vote Labour so many times (why, why, why are people so attached to this Ghost Ship of a party?). But his response is pertinent, on the money and very funny.
If you scroll down the comments field in Harry's piece, there is a ubiquitous retort by that unctuous toad, Peter Cuthbertson. His idiocy is overwhelming...
"What a surprise: the leftist version of democracy is like the leftist version of free speech - you're allowed to say what you want and vote the way you want, but no one else is allowed to criticise you for it.
The People's Party was 5% ahead in the opinion polls this time last week. They ended up on Sunday that same percentage behind. That swing occurred because those swing voters blamed their government for doing things that made Al-Qaeda angry."
Naturally, I've tried to educate him but we shall just have to wait. Like acne, it'll pass away in its own good time.
Spurious has a few thoughts on the Spanish election for your edification...
And Juan Cole has a long, but incisive analysis of the Madrid Massacre...
Brendan O'Neill has some strong words for those gloating over the massacre because it will finally get the Europeans out of their lazy Kantian beds and into the Hobbesian thick of things...
On other matters, this geezer is back with some philosophical magic, this time dissecting the life and word of Leni Reifenstahl....
You can read a witty review of Alain de Botton's latest adventure in middle-brow philosophy here .